Party At My Farm Tonight!!!

you wont be able to find it
but its in crawford
down many turns and twists and turns thru a gated entry that only i know the keycode pw too
then down about 2 miles of wooded area with twists and turn and many different ways toget lost
actually prolly none of that

what are you gonna do tonight? sit at your computer and rub one off to some pr0n?

if anythihng we are just going to all get hammered, get with a girl, and thats about it

but its gonna be more fun than you will have nonetheless
ElectroWaffle said:
you wont be able to find it
but its in crawford
down many turns and twists and turns thru a gated entry that only i know the keycode pw too
then down about 2 miles of wooded area with twists and turn and many different ways toget lost
wtf doesnt your family kow the code?