Your friendly neighbourhood senator wants to destroy your PC


Veteran XX
Its all over the news.....

Of course, he only supports it if you have pirated content: "I'm all for destroying their machines," The Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Orrin Hatch (Republican [duh], Utah) says.

The next obvious step is the radar-cameras that drop 16-ton weights on the speeders, which is about as serious idea.

Seriously though, before the self-righteous guys come in, consider some of the issues:
1. Hatch explains "there's no excuse for anyone violating copyright laws". Of course, he says that while promoting an excuse for destruction fo personal property, so I'd take that advice with a grain of salt
2. Creating a legislative exemption whose details largely depend on how many legislators RIAA can buy, one has to wonder about how strong exactly the evidence needs be, before they have the right to smash your computer. How do you defend yourself if innocent? How much is "suspected pirated activity"? ... and once they erase your HDD, how can you prove your innocence?

oh I know, petty details shouldn't stop us on our way to Justice, gosh-darn it!

(and exemplifying the recent trend, Democrats aren't any better, with Representatives lobbying for allowing copyright owners to hack into your machine)

I'm not taking this particular outburst too seriously, but it gives insight into what geniuses we have running our countries, as well as the directions the lobbying is taking us.

I just hope the technology industry starts gathering as much clout (i.e. paying as much) as the content industry -- democracy at its best.