Teenagers film shot-for-shot remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark


Veteran XX

It's a pretty long article, so here's a summary.

Three kids film the movie shot-for-shot when they are around 12-13 years old, on formats like Betamax and VHS, and continue to work on the movie through college. Around 7 years later, the movie is complete and they show it to their town. After that, it sort of fades off and becomes an urban legend, with a few copies here and there. A copy falls into the writer's hand and he shows it at his film festival to cover dead time, and the audience loves it. So he gathers together the kids responsible for the movie, who hadn't seen each other in years, and does a more formal showing. He also gets a copy in Spielberg's hands.

It's a pretty good read. I don't think it's OFN, did a search.

There's a trailer at the bottom.
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That's a long fucking article. The guy needs to learn brevity. However, cool story.
They're showing it at one of the local indi theatres around here in a couple weeks, they've been showing previews for months now
Anyone else notice this?
Because frankly – this is the dream of what films can do. Motivate kids to learn and make it. To get that first kiss, to make that first facemask, to create Nazi Uniforms and giant boulders.