Tribes: Vengeance Q&A 2


Veteran X
After the popular Tribes: The Next Q&A, people have been wanting more. Threads would be started at various sites in an attempt to get the dev team to release information; however, rarely would they comply. Finally, the dev team decided to do another Q&A session at saying that they could now answer more questions that previously possible. After a somewhat slow start, the masses started flooding in and myriouds of wonderful questions starting coming. Without further ado, I bring you the Tribes: Vengeance Q&A 2! This Q&A consists of 197 questions, but is definitely better than scrounging through the forums, and is undoubtedly worth the time.

Tribes: Vengeance Q&A 2
This one is nice:

Q: Will there still be an "inherited velocity" for the weapons like if you're jetting forward when you shoot your disc it will inherit some of your velocity and shoot a little off like how it is in tribes2?

Some weapons wouldn't work without inherited velocity, so yes.
First time they dont answer:
We're not releasing any information about weapons yet.

And that's good news too:

Q: Do you plan on finally including arena in T:V? [ ]yes or [ ]no.

We're not releasing specifics about game types yet, but we've expressed our respect for the Arena and Duel game types in other threads. We've also stated our intention to offer ways of playing the game for anywhere from 2 to 32 players.
At least, they're considering it. Unlike T2.
That's great news too!

Q: Retard Control: TAC2 has a feature called the sinbin. Basically, anyone misbehaving gets shoved in there for a while. It's just an observer without global voice and no menus. Are there any plans for similar features in T:V ??

I know, this game is turning out great. It seems as though the dev team actually knows what they're doing... What an odd concept ;)
Q: As far as GFX go, will we see a different model for each tribe? For example, will the pheonix heavy male be the same as the Empire heavy male just with a different skin? or can we expect to see different concepts per tribe?(same for light and medium)

Completely different armor models per Tribe

this is nice