Good Morning!

Good Morning. :)

Day two of post-moving/packing. I think tomorrow I may actually feel normal when I wake up. (as much as I can, anyway)
pfft this one's only a 3-pager, so it's nothing compared to the last two i wrote. both were due the same day...i worked my ass off on one of them for like a week and turned it in at like 10am that day. i got back from class and lunch at noon that day and hadnt even started my research for the other paper (it supposedly required a week's time spent in the library before even outlining it).

well the second one was due at 4:30, and from noon until 4:29 i cranked out 7 pages of masterpiece and printed it out quickly and ran to class. i didnt even have time to proofread it.

got grades for both papers last week: first one received a 96 and the one i 'crammed' got a 95. and these are both 3000 level college courses! i'm THE MAN under pressure :chill:
Finger...have a medical question.

What are the signs of a stroke or mild Heart attack?

I have this pain concentrated about 2" left of my sternum on my left chest about the size of 1" in diameter. It feels like a deep tissue bruise to the touch, but I know I haven't been hit in that area and no signs of a bruise.

Any suggestions? I'm going to the Doc (former emergency room surgeon) on Thursday for him to check it out.

Kinda worries me, since one of my best friends is dying of Leukemia :(
CrazyLEG said:
Finger...have a medical question.

What are the signs of a stroke or mild Heart attack?

I have this pain concentrated about 2" left of my sternum on my left chest about the size of 1" in diameter. It feels like a deep tissue bruise to the touch, but I know I haven't been hit in that area and no signs of a bruise.

Any suggestions? I'm going to the Doc (former emergency room surgeon) on Thursday for him to check it out.

Kinda worries me, since one of my best friends is dying of Leukemia :(
1st off, a stroke and a heart attack are two totally unrelated things as far as the symptoms you're describing go...but you already knew that.

If you are feeling pain upon palpation (touching) then I strongly doubt that this is a cardiac problem.

You may have just strained a muscle or group of muscles in that area of your rib cage. Another way to tell if this might be the case is to take a deep breath in, followed by a deep breath out. This causes expansion of the ribcage and may possibly irritate the muscle group--which will help you with determining the origin of the pain. Coughing hard may also elicit a painful response.

I would still recommend that you have it checked out if it has been bothering you consistently for a while (another sign that it isn't cardiac as angina typically resolves). Cancer can hurt but don't work yourself up thinking that this must be what you have.

I have often strained a muscle group or cartalagenous area that caused me greif & distraction for a week or so.
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Yeah, I does bother me to take deep breaths. It troubles me knowing that I haven't done anything to that area of my body that might have caused the discomfort I'm experiencing.

Thanks for the reply.

I will see what the doctor says Thursday. :(
I just finished my last final for this semester

Let there be much rejoicing!
Bring on the music!
Dance and be merry!
Odds are that you somehow stressed the area that meets up with your sternum (that oval-ish bone where most of your ribs meet up on your chest). There's a ton of ways to do this without ever realizing how until you start hurting the next day or so...