my 4 redbulls = meth experiment

omg yes. listen up kiddies, get a beer bong and 4 red bulls, chug. you will start to hear your heart beating real fast, then you body wants to move around like nuts.

tomorrow OD'ing on stacker2!
Wtf is with this latest influx of members? There's been dozens of completely moronic threads these past couple day by members from the past week or so.
Reno said:
Wtf is with this latest influx of members? There's been dozens of completely moronic threads these past couple day by members from the past week or so.

No shit.

Where the fuck are the admins on this forum?
Reno said:
Wtf is with this latest influx of members? There's been dozens of completely moronic threads these past couple day by members from the past week or so.

hohohoho go back to yer t2 fun hun.
T-Funk said:
nah thats alright, i already get that feeling from running up my stairs

T-FUNK WTF HAVE YOU BEEN :D tiesto playing club glow in DC in 13 days :D, btw msg me if you dont have Nyana yet.