Score one for Powell


BP's Pimpx
Veteran XV
Score One for Powell...

It's become almost routine for members of the American press to throw dumb or leading questions at members of the Bush administration.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why Secretary of State Colin Powell seemed so well prepared for the shifty question recently hurled at him by an Iraqi reporter.

According to the New York Post, one of Saddam's newshounds asked Powell, "Isn't it true that only 13% of young Americans can locate Iraq on a map?"

"That may be true," Powell countered. "You're probably right. But unfortunately for you, all 13% are Marines."

anyone that can verify this? sounds too good to be true.
Code4 said:
anyone that can verify this? sounds too good to be true.

According to the New York Post, one of Saddam's newshounds asked Powell, "Isn't it true that only 13% of young Americans can locate Iraq on a map?"

Should be able to find it there?
The only reason all the Arabs can locate the US on the map is because they've been all raised to destroy us. Either way, I bet they are all pretty leet Geographers.
Doaln said:
According to the New York Post, one of Saddam's newshounds asked Powell, "Isn't it true that only 13% of young Americans can locate Iraq on a map?"

Should be able to find it there?
Im thinking he meant for someone to verify from ANOTHER source other than the one cited already...
Americans dont have to know where Iraq is for the same reason the Americans dont have to know how to speak Arabic/french/German/Japanese to get along in the world.

Iraqi's know where the US is for the same reaosn that they have to know English to get anywhere in the world.
HomeSlice said:
The only reason all the Arabs can locate the US on the map is because they've been all raised to destroy us. Either way, I bet they are all pretty leet Geographers.

Don't they still believe the world is flat over there?
All I have to say is that you have to be one stupid mother fucker not to know where Iraq is. Geography in 6th grade was not difficult.

Oh, and powell is the man. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
Excel said:
All I have to say is that you have to be one stupid mother fucker not to know where Iraq is. Geography in 6th grade was not difficult.

Oh, and powell is the man. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

RISK taught me geography at a young age. :shrug: I twasn't "correct" but it certainly helped.
He grew up in NYC. His parents were Puerto Rican or Haitian or something. (some ethnic island out there somewhere with black people on it).
I will now kill my brother for giving me incorrect information... yes, he was born in New York City.

and you listened to your brother because............>?