stupid pre coffee post


Veteran XV
This really is pretty cool! K-

What to Leave First...
[This is NOT a joke, but it's very interesting
and quite revealing...]

You are in a desert. You have with you the
following five animals:

A lion, a cow, a horse, a sheep, and a monkey.

To escape the desert you are going to have to get
rid of one of your

Which one do you drop? (You can use whatever
logic you like BUT keep
track of which animal is discarded when!)

You have 4 animals left.

The desert is burning up! It goes on for
miles. Sand is everywhere.

You realize, to get out, you are going to have
drop another animal.

Which do you drop?

You have 3 animals left.

Walk, walk, walk.

Hot, hot, hot.

Disaster! The Oasis that you were looking for is
dried up! You have
no choice but to drop another animal.

You have 2 animals left.

Ok, it's a long hot walk. You can see the edge
of the desert way on
the horizon.

Unfortunately, you can only leave the desert with
ONE animal. Which
one do you drop and which one do you keep?

Before looking at the answers, make sure you know
which animal you
dropped in what order.

These answers are based on Japanese Archetypes.

The desert represents a hardship.

The animals represent . . .

Lion = Pride

Monkey = Your Children

Sheep = friendship

Cow = Basic Needs

Horse = Your Passion.

So, in the face of hardship, you will sacrifice
each of these things
in turn. Your last animal represents that thing
which you cling to at
the expense of all others.--

Find this interesting??


Mine from first dropped to last: monkey, sheep, lion, cow and horse

is it just me or do you get stupid e-mail from people you like IRL, i get 3 or so of these a day i never respond or send people crap like this.
i kept thinking I would get out of the desert and then I would be in a jungle, so I never dropped the monkey. also monkies are funny lmao
I dropped the sheep last, simply because all the while I was in the desert I kept fucking it in its nice sheep oriface.... and when I finally made it out I felt too attached to the little thing to let it go.
this is dumb... i kept the horse so i could ride his stupid ass out the desert... i booted the monkey, lion, and sheep cause they are pretty much useless, and ate the cow...

also, how are they related to whatever traits they are supposed to be related to...
lion, sheep, horse, cow, monkey
the lion was capable of quenching his thirst on my jugular with the climate and all.
the sheep is dead weight. sure it's got meat incase i get hungry but it's coated thick with fur and will die of heat exhaustion soon anyways. plus the cow has milk and more meat, and is also capable of trekking long distances (like when they go to the pasture and shit?)
i kept the horse to ride most of the way to conserve my own energy but it says 'walk walk walk' so i assume that he's gone quite a distance relatively. so when the oasis is all dried up i know that big beast is going to die of dehydration soon enough, especially after carrying me. now the cow is left - i drank all her milk and so her utters are all dried up, and since the oasis is dried up she has no means to replenish her tit's. plus the horizon is there so i figure i can make it to the edge of the desert without having to cut her open for blood nourishment or suck the last drops of dusty whole milk out. im keeping the monkey because isn't the monkey always dispatched for help in movies? i figure if i collapse near the edge of the desert. the monkey'll cause a ruckus and jibber jabber or something and help will come. btw the monkey's been surviving by licking my sweat and my milk mustache. i dunno why he was licking the sweat because he doesn't understand it's all salty and will only make him more thirsty but hey, its a monkey.
because you wanted to know...
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