would this hurt? NWS

I've seen it lots of times before, and I'm one desensitized fuck, but still, he needs a NWS on the front end of this.
LOL i got it a while ago and just decided to post it.

I got it from a friend that usally gets things a year after i do.

i should have known :/
lol fuck you whore.

I always register a while after I have started to read a forum :/
its a prolapsed rectum

minor ones can be fixed by just pushing it back in

major ones like that need surgery
The pic is worse than Goatse!!

But the followup topics are too funny:

Follow Ups

Blown butthole - Vinnie - 4/1/2003 - 5:41:57 AM

Pop goes the Weasel! - b - 4/1/2003 - 3:38:26 AM

DAM U OZE - CHARLES - 4/1/2003 - 1:57:36 AM

nasty freakin pic - LilNiz - 3/31/2003 - 10:35:33 PM

that serious [nm] - sob - 3/31/2003 - 8:19:22 PM

damn - gay male - 3/31/2003 - 8:09:25 PM

www.bubbrubb.com ownz you!! lol kekeke [nm] - BMWChic '96 - 3/31/2003 - 7:41:13 PM

holy fuck thats kevin quinns mommy - KKK - 3/31/2003 - 7:29:58 PM

gross - ted - 3/31/2003 - 7:25:53 PM

Yo... Thats not cool - NahThatsNotCool - 3/31/2003 - 7:21:44 PM

I think that's Ben Wills!! [nm] - Myc187 - 3/31/2003 - 7:06:27 PM

nasty - chev - 3/31/2003 - 7:02:38 PM

what the fuck yo - chris chase - 3/31/2003 - 6:59:59 PM

wow [link | pic] - Sac - 3/31/2003 - 6:54:01 PM

sacco you are a freak - Sudi - 3/31/2003 - 7:00:58 PM


wowzers - mom - 3/31/2003 - 6:13:03 PM

no comment - jigga - 3/31/2003 - 7:51:46 PM

awwww nasty holy shit nasty - c-man - 3/31/2003 - 5:56:10 PM

WHAT THE HELL WHO WANTS TO SEE THAT!!!! - mejustme - 3/31/2003 - 5:31:08 PM

that would be great! - jhi - 3/31/2003 - 3:54:17 PM

DAMN NICCA!!!!! - Ja Diddy - 3/31/2003 - 3:23:11 PM

that's gross - kc - 3/31/2003 - 3:13:40 PM

disguisting - fucking hell - 3/31/2003 - 3:06:29 PM

HOLY SHIT - Luke - 3/31/2003 - 2:46:57 PM

Guess he won't do that again [nm] - radium411 - 3/31/2003 - 1:54:01 PM

=O - Michael - 3/31/2003 - 11:03:46 AM

Yuck - Hog - 3/31/2003 - 7:10:15 AM

ahhh - jada - 3/31/2003 - 12:14:33 AM

You'll need some Butt Plugs. And do that on your own. ;) [link] - FreakBytch - 3/30/2003 - 11:01:18 PM

picture - Mike - 3/30/2003 - 9:05:41 PM

they did [link] - nasty - 3/30/2003 - 11:04:29 PM

How?? - Lovebyrd97 - 3/30/2003 - 5:33:21 PM

pfui [nm] - mat - 3/30/2003 - 12:20:05 PM

I dont feel so good anymore! - Bryan - 3/30/2003 - 12:14:30 PM

GEEEEEEEZO - Nikita - 3/30/2003 - 5:19:47 AM

i dont it makes good fashion sense to wear those color socks with red tights - chuckkie - 3/30/2003 - 4:46:47 AM

Wasn't it nice of them to start taking photoz of him - Benzo - 3/30/2003 - 4:21:37 AM

damn i gotta fist fuck the guy - RETH - 3/29/2003 - 9:05:03 PM

Fist yourself with a giant arm dildo. lol. here sells em [link] - ROLMAO - 3/30/2003 - 11:07:08 PM

damn i gotta fist fuck the guy [nm] - RETH - 3/29/2003 - 9:04:34 PM

can he still medically phart? wonder what it sounds like - Lord Howitt-Hurtz - 3/29/2003 - 8:17:01 PM

its like a Fruit Roll Up....im gettin hungry now - papsmearwithabeer - 3/29/2003 - 8:07:22 PM

this is what happens when you squeeze the Charmin - papsmear - 3/29/2003 - 8:01:16 PM

lol he´s ass now looks like the inside of a vigina hehehe - †Kolli† - 3/29/2003 - 4:50:11 PM


look on the bright side, it could have beenworse, his balls could have popped out - FuckdYourMom - 3/29/2003 - 7:25:32 AM

"Watch your cornhole buddy." [nm] - Mike - 3/28/2003 - 10:36:35 PM


oh really? [link] - let's see. - 3/30/2003 - 11:05:49 PM

sdasdad - dadas - 3/29/2003 - 3:18:10 PM

I did that once ... it felt kinda squishy [nm] - The Rick - 3/28/2003 - 8:06:07 PM

http://forums.anandtech.com/ - WetKitty - 3/28/2003 - 3:56:57 PM

i did that to myself and then... - ken - 3/28/2003 - 3:06:51 PM

I wanna lick that - Steve Begley - 3/28/2003 - 1:12:29 PM

GROSS - Dreadnought - 3/28/2003 - 12:49:25 PM

i wish someone could stick me up and leave my ass hanging like that!!! MMM - Javier Baez - 3/28/2003 - 12:27:26 PM

get a plug, do it yourself. [link] - Nasty - 3/30/2003 - 11:02:46 PM

. - ik - 3/28/2003 - 10:21:02 AM

:mad: - kevin2 - 3/28/2003 - 9:07:24 AM

this shit is gay! - kosovo - 3/27/2003 - 8:58:26 PM

Weightlifting accident.... - Big Earl - 3/27/2003 - 6:43:38 PM

WHAT A FUCKIN' WANG! - FernG - 3/27/2003 - 6:05:20 PM

asdfasdfasdf - brennen - 3/29/2003 - 1:37:01 PM

Well ya dont see THAT everyday kids!!!! - jupitersgrrrl - 3/27/2003 - 2:21:42 PM

Popped-Out Butt - LyndaK - 3/27/2003 - 11:47:40 AM

photoshop is great [nm] - jared - 3/26/2003 - 10:41:12 PM

atleast it wasnt a jewish dead baby head - ken - 3/26/2003 - 8:09:54 PM

atleast it wasnt a jewish dead baby head [nm] - ken - 3/26/2003 - 8:09:35 PM

at least he did it unintentionally. goatse is worse 'cause that guy did it on purpose. [nm] - AKADriver - 3/26/2003 - 12:50:31 PM

i think goatse is less gross for some reason... [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:33 PM

Cause yer gay? - Hermit - 3/26/2003 - 12:53:33 PM

uh no [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:54:23 PM

Snopes? [nm] - RF - 3/26/2003 - 12:49:31 PM

About what I expected. - Hermit - 3/26/2003 - 12:46:33 PM

I'm at work, what is it, arm torn off? [nm] - Penske - 3/26/2003 - 12:47:16 PM

prolapsed rectum. - Hermit - 3/26/2003 - 12:48:42 PM

Major hernia? Or dropped the weight on the abdomen? [nm] - Penske - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:05 PM

Here's the text only. - Hermit - 3/26/2003 - 12:52:05 PM

Shit, sounds more like some abdominal walls tore... - Penske - 3/26/2003 - 12:54:17 PM

He was squatting, couldn't get the weight back up, pushed too hard and shot his intestines out his ass [nm] - Mike Ockhertz - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:54 PM

Dude - IT RIPPED HIS ASS OPEN!!! [nm] - J-Dogg - 3/26/2003 - 12:50:24 PM

I dunno. Doens't seem that disgusting to me. - Hermit - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:17 PM

NO SHIT! [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:02 PM

Yeap, No shit, only internals [nm] - The Witch Doctor - 3/26/2003 - 12:52:47 PM

haha [nm] - Mike Ockhertz - 3/26/2003 - 12:53:18 PM

his internals came out of his ass hole! [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:48:12 PM

FUCKEDN UP NASTY WARNING YOU DONT WANNA SEE THSATR SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:43:20 PM

haha - julia - 3/29/2003 - 5:51:34 PM

Yeah, that's about the nastiest thing I've ever seen....Almost as bad as WOT's "winnar.jpg"..... - J-Dogg - 3/26/2003 - 12:47:32 PM

WTF is winnar.jpg? [nm] - jorge - 3/26/2003 - 12:49:08 PM

Something you never, ever, ever, ever, EVER want to see...If you see it loading, click "Back" immediately... - J-Dogg - 3/26/2003 - 12:51:44 PM

winnar.jpg - Jennine - 3/30/2003 - 7:13:48 PM

marked [nm] - Derek - 3/26/2003 - 1:03:48 PM

**** MY EYES...AHHGGG..MY EYES...THEY BURN!!! [nm] - GSX.GREEN - 3/26/2003 - 12:45:41 PM

Oh my fucking god that is bad [nm] - ///MCorpse - 3/26/2003 - 12:44:31 PM

FUCK YOU! OPTIKAL PLS BAN [nm] - 9000RPM - 3/26/2003 - 12:43:39 PM

Geeze...I'm glad I didn't scroll down to see it. - MK2TMR2 - 3/26/2003 - 12:45:47 PM

oh god, much worse - ///MCorpse - 3/26/2003 - 12:46:47 PM