Sift, prohormone stacks....


Veteran X
Which ones have you taken, if any?
When i first got back to lifting (december) I jumped on a stack of:
Animal Cuts/Animal Stack/Animal Pak...
Have used Universals products before and found them effective....this stack was allright, but nothing too dramatic..I'd probably use this stack for a cutting stack...Animal Cuts is amazing...except the pak is 11pills, the Stack is 11pills and the Cuts is 9 pills....31 pills is alot to handle....
I've been on Big Cats stack at for the last 2 weeks and it's awesome so's supposed to be a mass stack, but im using it halfway as a mass stack, halfway as a cutting stack....
the first phase is pill form....
1 pill, 3x a day for the whole 8wk cycle
at weeks 3-6 use the transdermal 2x daily, 2ml per application.
week 8 creatine and zma.
so far my gains have been through the roof..every workout my starting weights go up at least 10lbs and continue throughout my workout...
intensity and volume are both up...

the stack contains:
2 bottles, 90caps (nice small caps) of:
1,4 Androstadienedione---50mg

per pill

the transdermal has:

I was going to stack 1-ad and 4aderm..but Avant discontinued 4aderm..

and following it up with 6OXO and ZMA,but as I said, Avant discontinued the 4Aderm..

was also going to try the ONE+, but they had to pull it from the shelves....

The stack i'm on now, people have reported gains of up to 25lbs..and keeping as much as 18lbs of it....
it wasn't too expensive either....169$....for 2 bottles of the caps, and 2 bottles of the transdermal and a bottle of ZMA...
the creatine cost me 14 bucks for i'll be good for about 200 doses of that....
if this goes well..i'll use it again after i cut...
For my cutting cycle i'm either going to go back to Animal products, or just use Thermonex with Gugglebolic...possibly some T2 from Biotest
(their only good product that i've seen)....
Con said:
Which ones have you taken, if any?

Never taken any, as they're illegal in Canada and prohibitively expensive to bring in.. specially if they get seized.

When i first got back to lifting (december) I jumped on a stack of:
Animal Cuts/Animal Stack/Animal Pak...
Have used Universals products before and found them effective....this stack was allright, but nothing too dramatic..I'd probably use this stack for a cutting stack...Animal Cuts is amazing...except the pak is 11pills, the Stack is 11pills and the Cuts is 9 pills....31 pills is alot to handle....

No way, I swallow 20 horse pills of fish oil at a time. ;)

I've been on Big Cats stack at for the last 2 weeks and it's awesome so's supposed to be a mass stack, but im using it halfway as a mass stack, halfway as a cutting stack....
the first phase is pill form....
1 pill, 3x a day for the whole 8wk cycle
at weeks 3-6 use the transdermal 2x daily, 2ml per application.
week 8 creatine and zma.
so far my gains have been through the roof..every workout my starting weights go up at least 10lbs and continue throughout my workout...
intensity and volume are both up...

the stack contains:
2 bottles, 90caps (nice small caps) of:
1,4 Androstadienedione---50mg

per pill

the transdermal has:

I was going to stack 1-ad and 4aderm..but Avant discontinued 4aderm..

and following it up with 6OXO and ZMA,but as I said, Avant discontinued the 4Aderm..

was also going to try the ONE+, but they had to pull it from the shelves....

The stack i'm on now, people have reported gains of up to 25lbs..and keeping as much as 18lbs of it....
it wasn't too expensive either....169$....for 2 bottles of the caps, and 2 bottles of the transdermal and a bottle of ZMA...
the creatine cost me 14 bucks for i'll be good for about 200 doses of that....
if this goes well..i'll use it again after i cut...
For my cutting cycle i'm either going to go back to Animal products, or just use Thermonex with Gugglebolic...possibly some T2 from Biotest
(their only good product that i've seen)....

That's a really good price and gains, how long does it take for for "25 lbs"? I've heard a lot of ONE+, that it even beat out Biotest's MAG-10. Any idea why it was pulled?

The only cutting stack I've used was a simple ECA, anything more complex is banned in Canada now. You can only get Ephedrine HCL, which as far as I'm concerned is fucking useless heh.

About the only pro hormone I really have experience with is MAG-10. A lot of people I know first-hand have taken it and so it's about the only one I can wholeheartedly recommend. Usually gains of 5-7 lbs LBM in 2 weeks with overtraining & overeating.
DiamondSoul, are you stacking it with a 4AD component too? or are you just taking the 1AD? Are you following it up with 6OXO and ZMA?
Sift, is that 20horse pills of Omega3 fish pills? ugh....I was going to start taking livertabs, but i couldn't handle 12-15 per serving....
The stack i'm on now has been pretty amazing so far...2wks before the stack, i was hitting 120 for reps for curls, last week, as i posted in one of threads here, I hit 160 for reps....and last night, I was doing shoulders and started out at 195 for military presses and ended up at 250.....
I think the ONE and ONE+ were pulled because of the increasing pressure to ban prohormones/ephedra etc...which is somewhat comical...the way the addendum to the Steroid Act that they want to write is written, it would encompass all training aids like creatine,eca's,etc...
here's my food supply for a week heh


got tired of tuna...

Con said:
Sift, is that 20horse pills of Omega3 fish pills? ugh....I was going to start taking livertabs, but i couldn't handle 12-15 per serving....

yeah, 1g fish oil standardized for 120/180 EPA/DHA...

The stack i'm on now has been pretty amazing so far...2wks before the stack, i was hitting 120 for reps for curls, last week, as i posted in one of threads here, I hit 160 for reps....and last night, I was doing shoulders and started out at 195 for military presses and ended up at 250.....
I think the ONE and ONE+ were pulled because of the increasing pressure to ban prohormones/ephedra etc...which is somewhat comical...the way the addendum to the Steroid Act that they want to write is written, it would encompass all training aids like creatine,eca's,etc...

Wicked results man. What's your bodyweight at?

Right now I'm buying up all the ephedrine I can even if it's just HCL heh. Who knows how long before they ban it completely in Canada. :\ I'm -sort of- on the down low about the supplement bans going on so if that ever happens I'm just gonna get some friends in the states to ship me a few grand in PH's.
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