Download accellerator without spyware

I think DA isn't spyware.

it's just adware, and there is a crack for that.

could be wrong.
If you want something that does "Search for more sources" on kazaa, then I use

if that's not what you meant by "pause and resume" then I dunno....

as for the "speed improvement" aspect, vgd.
Witch said:
Ahh do you mean Accelerator as in "improve speed" or just program to stop/resume downloads?

it allows shotgun downloading, which kicks ass. I wanted a program like this since before it existed.

basically, many servers have a cap on download speeds, so no matter how fast your connection, you can only download at say 1k/sec. DA lets you connect to that server 10 times and download at 10x1k/sec or 10 times as fast as downloading on it's own. and of course, it also allows resume.
Doaln said:
If you want something that does "Search for more sources" on kazaa, then I use

if that's not what you meant by "pause and resume" then I dunno....

as for the "speed improvement" aspect, vgd.

This is just for general downloads, not for any file sharing service
Opera has one built in

the program has a few annoying problems, but over all the pros outweigh the cons