Social Democrat

That's a pretty good way of explaining the way I think. Less broad "solutions" to problems, and more scalable policies.
I agree with this:

Policies that relate to businesses should favor small- and medium-size businesses rather than Big Business. Small- and medium-size businesses employ a far greater percentage of American workers, and the profit they make is most likely to be spent and re-invested right here in America.

Policies that relate to households (like banking, credit, etc.,) should favor the huge population bulge that is in the lower three or four quintiles of the population, rather than the top quintile. These households are the engine that drives our economy, partly because there are more of them, but also because they spend more, right here in America. The upper quintile is more likely to use its wealth in ways that take it out of the American economic mainstream.

Policies that relate to population (like social welfare, health, education, etc.) should be focused on promoting an economic and social environment that lets us maximize the potential of our most valuable and important asset: children. All children, not just the children whose families have the most resources. That social and economic environment means livable cities, quality public education, access to quality health care, and jobs that pay enough so that one hard-working wage earner can provide for a family by working just one job.

If such policies do not favor, or even have a detrimental effect, on some people, the people affected should, hopefully, be those with the best ability to overcome the detriment. The people with the highest social and economic resilience.
Good explanation. Is there any sites out there that compare and contrast republican and democratic views w/o taking potshots at the other side?
BlueCream, no.

She's not great for just democrats, she great for everyone who is interested in actually understanding politics, and especially great at showing that politics is just a difference of opinion, and answers all the questions asked of her very politely.
OtakuMark said:
BlueCream, no.

She's not great for just democrats, she great for everyone who is interested in actually understanding politics, and especially great at showing that politics is just a difference of opinion, and answers all the questions asked of her very politely.

Her opinion is biased toward Dems.... so....
I don't want to be brainwashed by a single site on the internet, but I will allow myself to be forcefed the party line from televised media.
Heh. Giga, slow down. Don't flame, and if that wasn't a flame, don't start saying things that would lead to a flame war. I'm trying to get BlueCream to understand that he should be more open-minded toward Auntie Pinko's opinion so that he may come to more intelligent political decisions (and not necessarily democrat, when I say "more intelligent"). He needs to base his political views on a broad understanding of political ideology.
BlueCream, how would you be brainwashed? You have your OWN political opinions, yes? Seeing what each side believes and choosing from there is the only route toward true political awareness.
OtakuMark said:
Heh. Giga, slow down. Don't flame, and if that wasn't a flame, don't start saying things that would lead to a flame war. I'm trying to get BlueCream to understand that he should be more open-minded toward Auntie Pinko's opinion so that he may come to more intelligent political decisions (and not necessarily democrat, when I say "more intelligent"). He needs to base his political views on a broad understanding of political ideology.

I read it but you shouldnt "recommend" it to Conservatives