SW: KotOR - hit or miss?

That's just it... I have no problem paying $75 CAN for a game but when I have to pay $15 US a month to play iton top of the innitial cost, thats like $25 CAN a month. When you want to play it for 8 or 9 months, you're down almost $300. Rip off
Hmm... that'd be nice. Some nasty rumor said Lucas Arts wanted this game P2P. It definately won't suck as much is its not.
Yes, Galaxies is P2P, but this looks like a single-player game. Its got the whole "pause" thing going on...

You guys are freaking out over nothing.
wtf, it's still gonna be a cool looking game, i like the concept. I didn't notice anything about online gaming, letalone p2p. I only skimmed the article and have never heard anything about it, is it going to be similar to eq type? Or just plain old rpg
Jaydn said:
Knights of the Old Republic

Is this game gonna suck like the other games its trying to copy?

I think it looks super, but this pay as you play shit has got to stop IMO.


SW: Knight of the Old Republic is NOT a pay to play game. Its a regular RPG being developed for XBox and PC.

SW: Galaxies is pay to play (a true MMORPG) and has an entirely different game design. Fucking think before you post.
^^ what he said.

On this months Xbox Mag disc, there are some movies of the game...it looks like it will be awesome. The combat looks like it is realtime...like 3rd person jedi knight. The running animation looked a bit gay...but otherwise...this will be an awesome game....being developed by Bioware...only thing that sucks is that it got pushed back to June for XBOX release (and i think xmas for pc release)
SW:Kotr is based on the NWN engine I believe (its from Bioware at least) its based on the Wizards of the Coast D20 system version of the SW pen and paper RPG, If you liked NWN then you'll probably like this it plays about the same (a few different feats and such though, and no spells all force powers are feats or skills.)
The fighting isn't true real-time -- ie, if you hit slash, you're not gonna slash. You can either use pseudo-realtime to tell your character what you want him to do and then watch him do it, or you can pause and use a turn-based approach to queue up to three moves. I'm not sure I entirely understand the pseudo-realtime approach, but there was an article on it at www.ign.com (and the article is still there in the previews somewhere).