Where online do you purchase hardware...


System Addict

...at competative prices? Other than Googlegear, Pricewatch, and Newegg I commonly use Tigerdirect and Ebay (for bulk lots and such). Where are some places you all get cheap computer/networking related equipment? Also, other than ebay and pricewatch where are some good places to get a discount on buying in bulk. In particular floppy drives, powersupplies, and modems (living in South Florida modems seem to be the most common device to replace).
newegg, tcwo (local), techdata reseller accnt (local too) and if i go somewhere else i always find the reseller in combo w/ pricewatch & resellerratings to confirm they dont suck
mwave rma is hell

i got an msi kt3-ultra2 from them, it was all beat up physically from shaking around due to lack of packaging (bubbles basically... there were about 2 in this huge empty box)

it caught fire literally out of a resistor

rma'd it, got another one, it was DOA too. finally got a working board.

in over 10 years ive never had anything major DOA except from mwave.
lol, mwave looked promising until i read the next post :(