Keynesian economics in relation to FDR's new deal?


Veteran XV
Hmm... so my friend is asking me about this, and I totally don't know.... but I'd like to be able to help them. Any hardcore economics buffs in here who can help? Thanks.
Geez, I'm sorry I asked. I'd like to be able to help my friend (they're really stuck); I totally don't have much of a grasp on this topic. I thought I could get some help.

Never mind then, okay?

If anyone is willing to actually help, please.
Ptavv said:
For such an in depth topic google will yield far better results than TW.
Where would I be able to find it? Like what should I type in (I'm sorry, but it's 23:40 and I'm very tired).
If 11:40 PM is "really late" to you I'm wagering this is a high school assignment. In which case the expectations can't be high enough that the project couldn't be done in like an hour or two.
Ptavv said:
If 11:40 PM is "really late" to you I'm wagering this is a high school assignment. In which case the expectations can't be high enough that the project couldn't be done in like an hour or two.
Actually, I'm in uni. 11:40 is really late for me because my classes typically start earlier, so I have more time spread out (meaning I typically go to sleep earlier).

My friend is a freshman in college (CC actually).
My classes start at 8:10 on MWF and 9:40 on Tuesday... I and everyone else in my dorm stays up until 1 or 2 AM regularly...
Ptavv said:
My classes start at 8:10 on MWF and 9:40 on Tuesday... I and everyone else in my dorm stays up until 1 or 2 AM regularly...
I don't spend three hours a day at Tribalwar arguing in political threads...

Okay, never mind that.

I don't know, I guess I slack off a bit and spend more time getting sleep. Last year, I actually got to sleep at 10:30 (and probably skipped a bit too much work).
wow, that's crazy

i pretty much only whore TW when I'm also talking to people on AIM and reading the news or when I'm killing time late at night cause I can't sleep
Kensyian = economic dawrinism
FDR = Economic Savew the whales

Could be wrong but If I recall they were pretty much diametric opposites of each other, seriously google it though Kensyian Economics and FDR New Deal will give more hits than you can imagine
Keynesian economy is sort of "socialistic capitalism" meaning that it is capitalism, but more benefits are given to the workers, and etc, so that they have more money to buy stuff, which in the end will ultimately preserve capitalism. Critics have argued that Roosevelt's New Deal was too socialistic, and that it was even anti-capitalistic because the government took a huge involvement in managing the economic affairs of a nation. But then new revisionists would argue that Roosevelt only did what he did so that he could ultimately preserve capitalism.

Just my two cents