Help Data find this router online!


Veteran XX

Contrary to my persistent scouring of the Internet, I cannot find that router for sale at a reputable online reseller. I have checked all the usual places: NewEgg, GoogleGear, MWave, Directron, and a host of 20+ other sites from my bookmarks. NewEgg lists it, but they are out of stock.

A search on PriceWatch yields 5 hits, only ONE of which happens to be a legitimate reseller. Guess what... OUT OF STOCK. I'm at a loss.

I COULD buy it direct from 3Com, but they want $87 plus shipping. :( I'd prefer to get it in the $65-70 range.

I don't buy from anyone with a poor rating at Reseller Ratings. FYI...

Err, thanks? :D
Not quite Invar...

Our Price: $67.26

List Price: $87.00
You Save: $19.74
Buy Now. Pay Later. Select Bill Me Later® at checkout.

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See, this is why I come to Tribalwar. Obviously your Googling skills are far superior to mine, Invar. I bow to your infinite wisdom.

Never heard of Calibex. That's one for the favorites. ;)

Appreciate your help. :heart: