It's that time again!


Veteran XX
Wow! 2003 and Tribes is still around. I'm getting e-mails and pm's already about the possibility of holding a UVaLAN 5. So what's it gonna be guys? Can We do it again?

My most important requirement this year as in the past is that this is a Tribes LAN. I don't care what other games are played on the LAN. The Tournements and the prizes will have to be Tribes and Tribes2. I'm definitely thinking that I'd like to include some console gaming too if we can work some things out there.

So who's in? Give me some ideas. Let me remind you that this is purely a speculative time for me. I don't want to have the thing role around next summer and find myself $10,000 in debt when only 128 people show up. So let me know what your plans are and give me some suggestions on what you would like to see go on at a UVaLAN5.


May I have a sticky please?
consider the tribes communities' collective fuck: smashed

ps: I'd like to go :browsmile
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first, i think it's a great idea, and i'd be willing to drive up a day or two early to lend a hand. more tournament play would be nice b/c getting knocked out in the first round was bad. i'd also like it if as many games as possible were casted.
I'm interested... in getting demos.... I don't think I'll travel that far... yet...
Holy fucking shit YES.

Can we hold a fighting game console tourney?

I want to find out who REALLY is the best.

I think there should be a Street Fighter divison and a Teken divison. I suck at fighting games and don't really know much about the best ones but I like watching them.

This would be very easy to set up and I'm sure someone like akuma or SES Banshee could tell you what's what.