Civ3 Multiplayer

worst interface ever. its next to impossible to join a pub. im guessin the only way it'll be enjoyable is with ppl u know/not idiots.

anyone else "buy" it?
There's a few of us that have it. z0dd, me, Darkjedi, Taxi.... we tend to idle in #civ3. We even tried playing.... once.
Civ 3 and AC are much different, and I don't care for the multiplayer on either, but I definatly agree that Civ3's interface sucks more then AC's.
I didn't really have any problems getting a few games going...

I did have problems not getting my ass kicked...

This idiot playing france signed a peace treaty, then broke it and stole all my workers :( :( :(

It may not be as smooth as even TRibes.. but it works fine... :eek:

However, you DO need to play with people you know.. :eek: cause i mean really.. If you ever wanna finish a game you'll need more than one sitdown session...