If you HAD to do it......

If you had to have sex with a dog or a cat, which one would you pick?

Answer it and then ask a new question for the next poster.
guys, answer it and then ask a NEW question.....your attention span lasted less than a second before you were thinking of throbbing red rockets
Redz15 said:
if you had to break a pretty major bone, what would it be.

or if you had to get shot, where.

Any bone but this bone... :scared:

And i guess i would like to get shot in the shoulder.
fucking ban
my two smaller 7yr old twin brothers screamed in terror
they were standing next to me, checking out my l33t whore skillz
Redz15 said:
if you had to break a pretty major bone, what would it be.

or if you had to get shot, where.

somewhere in my leg I guess, so I could still play tennis feasibly :\.

I'd get shot in the shoulder