Girls, Girls, Girls

Eh the sites I know that allow linking happen to have a lot of Asian girls, I like em all. But definitely like the Asian girls. I just think showing disrespect in a thread like this, not accompanied by pictures, is so absurd that people who do it can go fuck themselves on general principle.

Automatic Jack said:
I just think showing disrespect in a thread like this, not accompanied by pictures, is so absurd that people who do it can go fuck themselves on general principle.

The troll just keeps posting the same message to get a rise out of you AJ...just ignore him. Maybe he will go back to stroking his computer...apparently that is his real woman.


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Sircle said:

omfg, that chick on the right hand side in the back row with the giant smile :lol:

Do you guys remember that show on PBS where they sang the "one of these things doesn't belong here, one of these things just isn't the same" game/song?