Getting from elf lands to human lands

From Auberdine, catch the other ship (the one not going to Rut'Theran).. Place starts with an "m", I don't remember what it is though. That's technically human land right there....

but if you wanna get anywhere, you gotta head south east and get to ironforge... the lands you have to go through are filled with higher-level aggros (I'm assuming he's below level 20), so he may die a bunch of times. From ironforge you can get anywhere.

check out:
Boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor. Rough run under 20 through the Wetlands, then you go through some tunnels. Watch for the orcs waiting on the other side of the first tunnel. After that you're pretty much home free. Just stick to the roads.

I like that IronForge and Stormwind are connected by the tram.
That was really easy actually, did not get agro once. Now I hope after I help my buddy do the bear druid quest he can get to lock modan easy enough.

Thanks again.