[T3] Portable nuke

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Veteran XX
Sounds like a plan! Kinda just set it in a map somewheres, and run. and it'd clear out an area of people that were in it. It'd take awhile to deploy though, so its not like a toss and let go type weapon. You'd have to spend 5-7 seconds standing there deploying it, and it would have a settable timer on to when it goes off, no remote detonation on hand. Sounds cool to me
Sounds like the tactical nuke in a rogue version of renegades. I've considered the idea of deployable explosives... but I can't think of any useful applications of it in the tribes world (unless of course we are planting a bomb for an oncoming mech... which probably isn't gonna happen)
in my experience with mods like shifter etc in the past, the only time i bothered to go the deployable nuke was when i was removing alot of deployed items in an area. i.e miriades of blastwalls, turrets and invents etc. So nuked it to remove the nassive (in most cases) tactical advantage the other team had. or in some cases so i could get to the bloody flag.

so, considering, i hope, that t3 won't have all those added items which tend to slow gameplay down alot, and also create major balance issues, i can't see why they would want such a deployable in t3. it is a novelty item, or an item to try and "balance" a very out of balanced mod. not a quality item for the next installment of the tribes franchise
Natural said:
Sounds like the tactical nuke in a rogue version of renegades. I've considered the idea of deployable explosives... but I can't think of any useful applications of it in the tribes world (unless of course we are planting a bomb for an oncoming mech... which probably isn't gonna happen)

Shifter has it, and I won't mention how much I hate shifter, since FubarAscain posts here, but he does make AMAZING skins, so props for that...

Renegades has never had a nuke I don't think, I pop in and out of it from base, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't...

that "Total Annihilation" or "Annihilation" mod has one too I think...
yeah that was annoying, think the thwart damage usually killed you anyway AND it has no real shape so radius damage was the only way to kill it (not sure about that, try chaingunning a satchel and see if that works, dont think it does).
i coded a nuke for t2 once, but decided to take it out do to it's total tactical uselesness/datablock hoggage.
way it worked was that you had to deploy a silo near your base, then it'd arm every five minutes or so, and you'd target a nuke by pulling out a targeting laser, switching to mode 2 (theres weapon modes on my mod), and shooting it at something, everyone'd hear "Nuclear launch detected", and for 60 secconds you'd have to sit there holding a very visible red laser at the exact same spot, then eventually it'd fall down and go kablam. (got the idea for this system from that game starcraft)
KGB_ate_myBread said:
Sounds like a plan! Kinda just set it in a map somewheres, and run. and it'd clear out an area of people that were in it. It'd take awhile to deploy though, so its not like a toss and let go type weapon. You'd have to spend 5-7 seconds standing there deploying it, and it would have a settable timer on to when it goes off, no remote detonation on hand. Sounds cool to me

I think what you want is SS:2845. That should have some big explosions to please you.
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